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Glover, Kendra - Career Development Coordinator

Ms. Kendra Glover


Degrees and Certifications:

Master of Business Administration - East Carolina University
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - East Carolina University

Certified Career Development Facilitator
Business Education Teacher Add-on

NC Professional Educator's Licensures:
Career Development Coordinator
Instructional Management Coordinator
Business Information Technology Education

Ms. Kendra Glover, HRHS Career Development Coordinator

Hey there!  I am Hickory Ridge High School's Career Development Coordinator (CDC) and I'm very excited to be here!

Here's a little about me:  As a Rowan County native, I'm a lifelong NC girl and proud of it!  After obtaining my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Business Administration from East Carolina University (Go Pirates!), I worked as an Information Systems Coordinator at one of the largest orthopedic practices in eastern NC.  After developing and training staff on new systems and procedures, I realized my calling in education.  I began my education career in 2002 at East Rowan High School and continued at Jay M. Robinson High School where I was a Business Education instructor, Career & Technical Student Organization advisor, and cheer coach.  From 2007 to 2020, I proudly served JMRHS as the CDC/CTE Coordinator.  In 2020, I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of the inaugural leadership team and staff at West Cabarrus High School.  Beginning in July 2022, I am very proud to be part of Hickory Ridge High School as Career Development Coordinator!  I am also very excited to be the JV Cheer coach. Go Bulls!

As the HRHS CDC, I facilitate our Academies at the Ridge, work-based learning opportunities, and career development for all students.  More info to come about all the things I'll be doing at Hickory Ridge!

Please stop by my office Room #703 and see me to assist in your career planning/pathway process!

Need to meet with me??  Click here: Ms. G! I Need Your Help!